Nessus Parser v15
December 5th, 2011
Greetings All,
Here is a maintenance release of the Nessus parser. I would like to make a special shout out to Joe M (joebeast20 – AT – for finding a bug and contributing the code. The bug Joe found were missing plugin families in the check and reporting functions. I took the opportunity to update the plugin families so all plugin families are now in the tool.
Thanks again Joe.
This is a great tool, thank you for developing it.
I’m using Nessus v5 and notice that when parsing the “critical” vulnerabilities are not counted as the logic is based on H/M/L. For now, I modified the if statement for High to include 3 or 4, but was wondering if you might be working on integrating this new “level” into a future version of the script.
Thanks again for the excellent tool.
I am going to update the parser, just have really crazy work schedule right now. Hopefully I will be able to update the parser soon.
Here’s an patch to an updated version that supports crit vulns and fixes some typos. I haven’t used it before v15, so I’m not sure if the fact that I’m getting 0s for “Total count of” and “Number of systems with” is something I broke, a Nessus 5 thing, or if it’s always been that way.
our (@vuln_entries,@critvuln,@highvuln,@medvuln,@lowvuln,@nonevuln,@host_scan_data);
> our $critvuln_cnt = 0;
This command will search the directory specified by the “-d” option
> my $sev4 = grep {$_->{-severity} == 4} @vuln_array;
> $vuln_cnt{sev4} = $vuln_cnt{sev4} + $sev4;
> sev3 => $sev3,
> sev4 => $sev4
> elsif ($severity == 4)
> {
> my $plugin_test = grep /$vuln->{-pluginID}/, @critvuln;
> my @found_plugin = grep /$vuln->{-pluginID}/, @critvuln;
> if ($plugin_test == 0)
> {
> ++$plugin_cnt;
> $plugin = “$plugin\,$severity\,$plugin_cnt\,$pluginName\,$file\,$vuln->{-pluginFamily},$bid,$cve,$xref,$vuln->{solution},$vuln->{description}”;
> push @critvuln, $plugin
> }
> else
> {
> foreach (@critvuln)
> {
> my @tmp = split /\,/, $_;
> if ($tmp[0] eq $vuln->{-pluginID} && $tmp[4] ne $file && $plugin_test == 1)
> {
> $plugin = “$plugin\,$severity\,$plugin_cnt\,$pluginName\,$file\,$vuln->{-pluginFamily},$bid,$cve,$xref,$vuln->{solution},$vuln->{description}”;
> push @critvuln, $plugin
> }
> elsif ($tmp[0] eq $vuln->{-pluginID} && $tmp[4] eq $file)
> {
> ++$tmp[2];
> $_ = join(“,”,@tmp);
> last;
> }
> } # end foreach
> } #end else for test
> }
> $vuln_cnt{sev4} = 0;
> my $critvulns_ctr = 2;
> print “Storing Critical Severity Data Table\n”;
> my $critvulns_worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(‘critvulns’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write_url( ‘A1’, $home_url, $url_format, $_);
> $critvulns_worksheet->keep_leading_zeros();
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 0, ‘File’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 1, ‘plugin Family’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 2, ‘plugin id’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 3, ‘plugin Name’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 4, ‘count’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 5, ‘Bid’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 6, ‘CVE’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 7, ‘OSVDB’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 8, ‘Solution’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write(1, 9, ‘Description’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->freeze_panes(‘C3’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->autofilter(‘A2:J2’);
> $critvulns_worksheet->set_column(‘A:M’, 20);
> foreach (@critvuln)
> {
> my @tmp = split /\,/, $_;
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 0, $tmp[4]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 1, $tmp[5]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 2, $tmp[0]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 3, $tmp[3]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 4, $tmp[2]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 5, $tmp[6]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 6, $tmp[7]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 7, $tmp[8]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 8, $tmp[9]);
> $critvulns_worksheet->write($critvulns_ctr, 9, $tmp[10]);
> ++$critvulns_ctr;
> }
> # end foreach (@critvuln)
# end foreach (@nonevuln)
write(1, 12, ‘Minimum password len’);
write(1, 13, ‘Password history len’);
write(1, 14, ‘Maximum password age days’);
write(1, 15, ‘Password must meet complexity requirements’);
write(1, 16, ‘Minimum password age days’);
write(1, 17, ‘Forced logoff time Seconds’);
write(1, 18, ‘Locked account time seconds’);
write(1, 19, ‘Time between failed logon seconds’);
write(1, 20, ‘Number of invalid logon before locked out seconds’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 12, ‘Severity Critical (4)’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 13, ‘Minimum password len’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 14, ‘Password history len’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 15, ‘Maximum password age days’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 16, ‘Password must meet complexity requirements’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 17, ‘Minimum password age days’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 18, ‘Forced logoff time Seconds’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 19, ‘Locked account time seconds’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 20, ‘Time between failed logon seconds’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write(1, 21, ‘Number of invalid logon before locked out seconds’);
> $HostConfigData_worksheet->write($HostConfigData_ctr, 11, $host->{vuln_cnt}->{sev4});
merge_range( 1, 0, 1, 3, ‘User Account Sumamry’, $center_border6_format );
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->merge_range( 1, 0, 1, 3, ‘User Account Summary’, $center_border6_format );
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->merge_range( $SummaryReport_cnt,0, $SummaryReport_cnt, 3, ‘Critical Severity Vulnerability Top 10 By Plugin Family’, $center_border6_format );
> ++$SummaryReport_cnt;
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->write($SummaryReport_cnt, 0, ‘plugin Family’);
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->write($SummaryReport_cnt, 1, ‘plugin id’);
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->write($SummaryReport_cnt, 2, ‘plugin Name’);
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->write($SummaryReport_cnt, 3, ‘count’);
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->set_column(‘A:M’, 20);
> ++$SummaryReport_cnt;
> my @critvuln_uniq_plugin_family = vuln_seperate_by_plugin(\@critvuln);
> foreach my $entry (@critvuln_uniq_plugin_family)
> {
> my @tmp = @{$entry->{entries}};
> foreach my $t (@tmp)
> {
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->write($SummaryReport_cnt, 0, $t->[5]);
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->write($SummaryReport_cnt, 1, $t->[0]);
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->write($SummaryReport_cnt, 2, $t->[3]);
> $SummaryReport_worksheet->write($SummaryReport_cnt, 3, $t->[2]);
> ++$SummaryReport_cnt;
> }
> }
> $SummaryReport_cnt = $SummaryReport_cnt + 3;
my @host_sum_array = (‘operating-system’,’local-checks-proto’,’name’,’sev0′,’sev1′,’sev2′,’sev3′,’sev4′,’Minimum password len’,’Password history len’,’Maximum password age (d)’,
< my $most_high_common_vuln = "";
my $most_crit_common_vuln = “”;
> if($critvuln[0] ne “”)
my $pivot_data = \@critvuln;
$most_crit_common_vuln = shift @t;
# end of if($critvuln[0] ne “”)
> my $total_crit = @critvuln;
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 0, “Total Unique Critical Severity Vulnerability”);
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 1, $total_crit);
> ++$Home_cnt;
> $total_crit = $total_crit+2;
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 0, “Total Count of Critical Severity Vulnerability”);
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 1, “\=SUM\(critvulns\!E3\:E$total_crit\)”);
> ++$Home_cnt;
write($Home_cnt, 0, “The most common high Severity vulnerability”);
write($Home_cnt, 1, $most_high_common_vuln->[3]);}
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 0, “The most common critical severity vulnerability”);
> if($most_crit_common_vuln){$Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 1, $most_crit_common_vuln->[3]);}
write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of System with a Informational(NONE-0) Severity Vulnerability”);
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of Systems with an Informational(0) Severity Vulnerability”);
write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of System with a Low(1) Severity Vulnerability”);
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of Systems with a Low(1) Severity Vulnerability”);
write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of System with a Medium(2) Severity Vulnerability”);
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of Systems with a Medium(2) Severity Vulnerability”);
write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of System with a High(3) Severity Vulnerability”);
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of Systems with a High(3) Severity Vulnerability”);
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 0, “Number of Systems with a Critical(4) Severity Vulnerability”);
> $Home_worksheet->write($Home_cnt, 1, “\=COUNTIF\(HostConfigData\!M3\:L$total_discovered_row\,\”\>0\”\)”);
> ++$Home_cnt;
Feature request – was going to do it myself but my Perl is rusty, at best: Would love to see a chart of vulnerabilities by severity by date. I have a directory with all my Nessus scans over the past few months, and I’d like to be able to have a trend chart. Seems like it should be easy enough (for someone who’s better with Perl than me) – grab the Scan Start Date attribute out of the plugin_output element and stick it in a hashmap by host and date.
all I get is “Invalid tag sequence: at line 644. i tried going back to v14 also and that told me the same thing but instead at line 645… what should I do?
Great work on this tool, Tenable needs to have things like this built into Nessus. Can’t wait for the “Critical” vulnerabilities update though, manually separating them out for now.
Had a few large reports and decided it would be faster to modify the perl script than pull the data manually for the CRITICAL Vulnerabilities. It is working great for me, I do not want to take any credit for the work you have done, so I am not linking to it. But if you shoot me a email I will respond with the script for you to review and do with as you please, I am sure it is not perfect.
I know how work gets in the way of the fun things so I thought I could help out and give a little back.
Do you mean the date the vulnerability was published?
Karl, any chance you could point me in the direction of your modified script? would be greatly appreciated!
I am posting Karl’s script in a separate post, you can download it from there.
@Benjamin Blakely
How can I apply this patch? Also thanks for the great work.
When I run the script against individual files works well. When I point it to a folder tells me:
This file “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.nesses” is not using the Nessus version 2 format, and will NOT be parsed!!!
I am using Windows 7. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
The only thing I can think of that would cause that is if there are files in the folder that are not nessus file or if the “.” and “..”. but I filtered out the “.” and “..”. I have not tried to run the script on Windows 7 so there might be something I am missing there. I would do this, run script in a debugger and look at line 151 “my @files = readdir(DIR);” Look at the “@files” array, and you will see all the files that are present, then follow the script as I remove the “.” and “..”, then you will see what is left. One of those files is causing the issue. Next month I plan on working on a much needed update, and I will test the new version on windows 7 then.