Nessus Parser v0.10 – This is a program to parse a series of Nessus XMLv2 files into a XLSX file. The data from the XML file is placed into a series of tabs to for easier review and reporting. New features with this edition are better reporting of policy plugin families, user account reporting, summary graphs, and a home page with summary data. For more information and questions please contact Cody Dumont from the NWN STAR team.
Email – cdumont”AT” and cody”AT”
The Nessus parser requires some additional modules, they are:
• XML::TreePP;
• Data::Dumper;
• Math::Round;
• Excel::Writer::XLSX;
• Data::Table;
• Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart;
To use the Nessus Parser simply install Perl and the modules above. Then change directory to the folder where the Nessus XMLv2 data files are stored. The enter the following command “perl .” The “.” means the current directory. The parser looks in the directory passes as the command line argument and searches for XML files. Then parses through each file. Once the data from each file is collected, the parser will put the data into the XLSX file. Once the parser is finished there will be an XLSX file in the same folder passed earlier. Review the file and find the results of your Nessus scan.
I want to give a special thanks to John McNamara , John was instrumental in assisting me in creating the pie charts in this version. John is also the author of the Excel Writer perl modules.
It’s time for ShmooCon 2011, YEAH!!! This is my first time attending and I am very excited. I would like to release a few maintenance releases of my Nessus Vulnerability XML Parser v8 and Cisco ACL Parser v0.05.
Nessus Vulnerability XML Parser v8 – There was a bug in the creation of the TEXT File report generation. The issue was cause by a variable I called in a foreach loop, if the variable was not an array, but a hash the script would fail. No other changes were made.
The Cisco ACL Parser v0.05 – In the ASA a type of ACL used for the SSL Any-Connect Portal is called a WEBACL. There was a problem in the parsing of these ACL types. Also I changed the name of the output file to be the device hostname-output.csv “fw01-output.csv” instead of “hostname fw01-output.csv”.
I hope everyone enjoys the scripts and I hope to see you at ShmooCon.
Greetings ALL,
A few people asked for some changes to the output of the Nessus Vulnerability XML Parser, so I here they are. One High, Medium and Low severity Vulnerability tabs I added the following fields: BID, CVE, OSVDB, Description and Solution. These field can help provide the user with a little more data or aid the priorities given to corrective actions. Also my first contributor added code to put the date on the end of the file names. Thank you very much Whinston, I am very happy to added your contribution to my project.