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Nessus Parser v14

October 25th, 2011

I have ment to release this maintenance release of the Nessus Parser for some time, just have not had the opportunity to do so. This version fixed a hash table entry issue.


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  1. October 31st, 2011 at 17:52 | #1

    Number of IPs scanned is only data returned.

  2. November 2nd, 2011 at 07:25 | #2

    James and I exchanged some emails and resolved the issue. I think the problem was related to the export from Nessus.

  3. Joe
    November 2nd, 2011 at 14:30 | #3

    Great script/tool…very useful!

    I have noticed an issue with the parsing from Nessus reports from scans of AIX systems. I’m not sure if it’s an issue with the Parser or perhaps my XML dumps from the scanner.

    The NessusParser is not finding (or at least not outputting) any of the known High vulnerabilities for AIX hosts. I see the High vulns in the ‘UserAccountData’ tab, but nothing in ‘highvulns’, ‘host_scan_data’, or ‘Home Worksheet’. Any ideas?

  4. Joe
    November 2nd, 2011 at 14:32 | #4

    Typo in comment i just posted:


  5. Travis Schack
    November 11th, 2011 at 15:19 | #5

    Great script!!!!!

  6. Blake
    November 18th, 2011 at 09:54 | #6

    So far, I’m really liking how this looks like it might work…but so far I’m having the same problem some other users were having on the v10 thread.

    I am not getting any data in the files. I am using Strawberry perl, I installed all the modules using the cpan command at the command line. I am on Win7 64-bit.

    When I run the script with option -d, it finds all the files, but says that they are not valid nessus v2 files. I know they are valid since I just downloaded them from a Nessus 4.4.1 (Build 15078) server with Professional feeds. I downloaded them using the .nessus format (which is the v2 format as far as I understand). Additionally when I open the .nessus files, they start with the tag .

    Is there something wrong with my nessus server in the export or am I doing something wrong here? I am not familiar with perl, more familiar with vb and java, but it looks like I have all the modules installed.

    Thanks for the help.

  7. Blake
    November 18th, 2011 at 10:05 | #7

    Alright…I fixed that issue…I used the cd command to get to my files and passed a “.” to the script…it now parses the files, but I received a different error…

    The script printed out “Trailing \ in regex”… “at c:\strawberry\scripts\parse_nessus_xml.v14.pl line 1054” then it quits.

  8. November 18th, 2011 at 10:26 | #8

    So that is an issue parsing the user names in the from ad. I have only ran into that issue once so I put that on a back burner to fix. Can you send me copy of the file or run the script in the debugger and find the name that is causing the issue.

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